
New amazing crazy wild sick nasty-ass vintage jacket!

A few days ago I went to Viúva Alegre ( Happy Widow) - it is an amazing vintage store in which sometimes I shop, sometimes take pictures but most of times go there just to look around and be there... They always have those crazy vintage pieces that makes your mouth go dry and sometimes, when they say " I have something you'll love!" and open the magic curtains I reach Nirvana : black leather perfectos, wild-shirts, jumpsuits, 80's funky leggings, sunnies... Well this time there was no need to open the magic curtains because what I nedeed was right there exposed at the showcase  that "oh-so-perfect" multi-color fox jacket!
No time to waste and came back a day later to get what was rightfully mine, take some pictures and have some brutal  laughs...
We all lost something on that day - I lost all my money for a good reason, Diogo lost his credit card and the others lost their loves...
As we all know Winter is here and so are the cold-cold-and-lonely-nights I dedicate this song to my new jacket, to us and to our cheap cheap wine.


Lame outfit front photo 

Weird outfit back photo

This Vespa goes with my jack

Controlling myself like a dog with beef on its muzzle 


Here it is 

Bárbara really likes to appear on photos 

Lulu's closet ( Lulu is the happy widow)

Bárbara really likes to appear on photos #2

Realistic artificial flowers store 

Cupcakes- I want the shy blue one

You look real, let's see if you taste real too

Are you hungry?

The happiest thieves

No more shopping for Diogo...

Lovely Zara gloves 

Here it is Bábara, one just for you :)


" It's sooo cold" (excuse to wear the jacket for a few minutes)

Lola - the photographer 

War scream featuring Ruben

Ricardo & I

Biting my leggings 

Result of biting my leggings & Lola's creepers 

Now you can Facebook-it Lola

I don't smoke, just posing...

Where the f**k is my eyeliner?! 

The season finally changed ,Alleluia! Unpacked my heavy coats, wool shirts and boots.
It's finally winter and  it's time for nights at Cinemateca, more wine, blooming tea, curling with blankets, Dinah washington, Genevieve Waite, violet incense, falling in love, furs (mostly vintage for me) and... to do something with my hair! What will I do - keep the red or return to the blond?
Here is a picture of the old blond me...


Viúva Alegre
Rua de São Nicolau, 17
Baixa, 1100-547
Lisbon, Portugal  


Pedro Portela said...

so beautiful, so sexy, so exciting!


Micael Dourado said...

You never disappoint me, love ur outfits girl. Blond, definetly! Bisou


Unknown said...

Ahah you'r so fanny!! Love your new jacket!! It's B E A U T I F U L! And love your blog, i'm following y now! kisses from trackersfashion.blogspot.com

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Beautiful as always!

Gosto bastante dele vermelho mas acho que devias voltar ao loiro mas fazer o mesmo degrade que tens nos tons de vermelho! Adoro esse detalhe! so perfect! xoxo


Valter Cláudio said...

Adorei esse casaco, realmente é perfeito, valeu a pena teres ficado momentaneamente na pobreza por ele =D
Ver se passo um dia desta por lá, para matar o meu vício de óculos de sol =D

Participa no giveaway no blog =D

Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang

Papercuts said...

Lovely pics!!
Your new jacket is just adorable! It's a pity that i don't have a vintage store, here where i live...

I really like your blond hair :)


Ana Rita said...

Adorei os looks! AS fotos fotos são sempre tão giras :)

Mafalda said...

I love the first look!



mteresalucas said...

adoro o teu blog, és super divertida, e tens um estilo impecável, devo dizer.

Go BLONDE, we do have more fun ;)



Radha Garde said...

Winter and wine.
Sorry stalker summer, you were not invited.


Foxy love.

Bruna Vieira said...

epa, que linda !
as fotos estão óptimas ..*

Lydia Armstrong said...

That jacket is amazing. So jealous.

Dylana Suarez said...

Awesome blog!



Diana Cunha said...

Amo o teu estilo!
Sigo te!
xo DC

Johnny's Bow Tie said...

Go on Girl! <3


Anonymous said...

Adorei as fotos e as peças. Tenho umas lojas para visitar...


Bela Monstro said...

O teu cabelo é PERFEITO e o tom da tua pele lindo de morrer (isto para não falar da tua pinta). Gorgeous.

Margarida said...

Estás sempre deslumbrante:)

Anonymous said...

oiii onde posso arrnjar os cupcakes?